
Reaching and inspiring people through a superior service experience.

Social networking, Sharing app

How influential can one day be?

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Social media App


Developed for iPhone and Android users, the Gangup app lets a user connect with like-minded people that are members of the same Group or before they actually meet in a pre-scheduled social Event. Facebook Events and Facebook Groups have been targeted.

YouTube, Sharing app

On the way

Cross platform development tool that uses C# to create mobile apps for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, PHONE GAP, well withstanding the test of time.

YouTube, Sharing app

Step in

Cross platform development tool that uses C# to create mobile apps for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, PHONE GAP, well withstanding the test of time.

reporting, news

Like it or not

The Investor Relations Society's 30th conference, Access, Board, Careers: An ABC of IR provided valuable insight to those in the IR profession, or those liaising with IROs, such as analysts and fund managers.

YouTube, Sharing app

Boxing game

Cross platform development tool that uses C# to create mobile apps for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, PHONE GAP, well withstanding the test of time.

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